The People's Vision Network
Site Rules
No offensive content, spamming or advertising
No spreading of any copyrighted material in any format
No gaslighting or other form of intimidatory behaviour
Be respectful, courteous and kind
Admin decisions are final
Privacy Policy
The People's Vision Network has a very simple Privacy Policy. We will respect your privacy and look after your information to the best of our ability. We won’t share it without your permission. For a detailed description please see below.
The People's Vision Network are in compliance with the requirements of COPPA (Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act). We do not collect any information from anyone under 13 years of age. Our website and services are all directed to people who are at least 13 years old or older. All minors between the ages of 13 to 18 years that are eligible to attend our events must be accompanied by a responsible adult at all times.
The People's Vision Network via this website: are not configured to collect any personal information from your computer when browsing the website. This means that, unless you voluntarily and knowingly provide us with personal information, we will not know your name, your email address, or any other information identifiable to you.
As part of offering and providing customisable and personalised services, The People's Vision Network may use cookies to store and sometimes track information about you. A cookie is a small amount of data that is sent to your browser from a web server and stored on your computer’s hard drive. Certain features of the website require that you accept cookies in order to work properly.
If we need to collect information from you, we will ask you to voluntarily supply us with the information we need. For example, if you would like to contact us, we will ask you for information such as name and e-mail address. We will use your e-mail address to send a response. Providing this information is voluntary and it is used only for the purpose for which the information was collected and is not used for direct marketing or shared with other companies or organisations.
Private Members Association
If you are interested in joining our Private Members Association, please connect with us initially via the Contact form. We would like to get to know you.
All Members' details are private and not available for public viewing.
The Rules of Association will inform you of our ethos and foundation for our activities. We ask you to fully inform yourself of what you will be agreeing to and committing to if you choose to join us.